Timeless Answers to Timely Questions
by Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears
pub. Crossway Books
re:Lit books
"In Vintage Jesus, one of America's most influential young pastors teams up with a seasoned theologian to lead you on a hilarious theological journey chasing Jesus through Scripture and pop culture. The authors provide timeless answers to twelve timely questions about the most important man who has ever lived. Each chapter concludes with answers to common questions about each subject (relit.org)."
Book's premise (no spoiler): Jesus Christ is easily the most influential name on the planet. His name is also one that stirs up the most controversy and confusion. Ask 100 people who Jesus is, you'll get 500 different answers. Driscoll and Breshears team together to evaluate the different views of Jesus throughout pop-culture and religion, and weigh those views against what the Bible says about Him.
What I liked about the book: Everything. No secret here, I am a big fan of Driscoll. I am very grateful for his writing and preaching and will continue to read and listen.
Specifically, I really appreciate Driscoll's depth. He is a very thorough teacher and gives a TON of information. And while you may think that might make this book read like a text book, Driscoll does a great job of balancing weighty information with stories and humor.
What I didn't like about the book: When I read books or listen to speakers/ sermons for my edification, I can't help but also think through the lens of what a non-believer (or even someone hostile to the speaker or the Gospel) might be thinking. There are times when Driscoll's sarcasm and humor makes me a tad uncomfortable. I catch myself thinking, "I think that this is hilarious, but someone else might use that as a reason to check-out."
Favorite passage: I don't think I will fully understand the impact that this passage has made on my ministry/ preaching/ relationships for a long time to come. I can't get this passage out of my mind.
Chapter 3 "How Did People Know Jesus Was Coming?"
pg 66
"Sadly, it is too common for churches not to speak of Jesus, which is a tragedy akin to a wife rarely uttering the name of her own husband. In our day when there are innumerable contradictory beliefs about who God is, Christians must be clear that their God is Jesus Christ alone so as to communicate the same central truth that Scripture does. No matter how many verses are used, the Bible has not been rightly understood or proclaimed unless Jesus is the central focus and hero (emphasis mine)."
Random passage: "There is even a Canadian nudist-arsonist cult that thinks the word 'Jesus' in the Bible is a code word for hallucinogenic mushrooms that are to be eaten before getting naked and lighting things on fire (pg 14)."