Thursday, March 26, 2009

#49 (ish) - Hopeless

Back in October, I came up with a list of 101 goals I want to accomplish in 1001 days.

#49 - Write 10 Poems
I'm NOT a poet... I'm very bad. But here's my second of 10 attempts. Click here to see the first of 10.

I ignored the phone, but you kept calling
I refused the mail, but you kept writing
The longer and louder you knocked, the more hopeless my situation became
Hopeless… Hopelessly in Love
Great romancer, you’ve won me.
Not by empty gestures
Candy, cards, no
You told me you’d die for me
You did
You told me you’d live for me
You did
Hopeless… Hopelessly in Love… Hopelessly in love with the One
In love with the One who knows my fears
Who knows my heart… my hurts… my hopes
You said you love me
I said prove it
You did


Ryan O'Farrell said...

If you read it like slam poetry then it's really awesome. But then again, you could read the ingredients on the back of Great Value Chicken flavor noodles that way and it would be awesome.

Joking dude, but really. YouTube it as slam poetry. Epic.

Tiffany said...

I like it! :) Good job, Bro!