I just watched Supersize Me. I'm pretty sure everyone but me has already seen it, so I thought I'd see what the buzz was all about. If you are like me and have been living in a cave for the last 4 years, you should check it out... it's pretty disturbing. (let me warn you, there is some medical-related nudity and a small bit of coarse language). Morgan Spurlock (What Would Jesus Buy, Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden, and TV's 30 Days) investigates the effects of our fast-food addicted culture by exploring the effects on his own body. He, under the supervision of a team of doctors, embarks on a 30-day McDonald's only eating binge. He eats only McDonald's for each meal for 30 days. I won't spoil it for you if you've yet to see it, but the effects are quite shocking... even to the medical community.
More than just an experiment in self-abuse, the documentary explores the growing problem of obesity in our culture. Over 100 Million Americans are classified as either overweight, obese or morbidly obese. Obesity is the 2nd leading cause of preventable death... just behind smoking! Well, as an overweight man, I was moved to action by the film. While I have been taking my health a lot more seriously over the last 10 months, these last 3 weeks have been less than apathetic. It's time I start on a few of my 101 in 1001 goals. #11 - Loose 35 lbs and #42 - Go for a morning jog everyday for a month. I am NOT much of a jogger... so pray for me!
Supersize Me
After watching that movie... I couldn't eat McDonald's for a very long time! And hesitated at other fast food joints. Great movie!
Good luck with the jogging : )
dude have you seen What Would Jesus Buy? It is also on Snag. Malora and I are huge documentary fans and snag is a great site (although its mainly for USA people).
i like the new blog...i will RSS you!
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