by Ruth Haley Barton
pub. InterVarsity Press
"Ruth Haley Barton describes how she has discovered the real presence of God--the God who is present through the practice of solitude and silence. Her book invites you to meet God deeply and fully outside the demands and noise of daily life. It is a call to the adventure of spiritual transformation--an adventure that will lead you to freedom and authenticity, allowing you to become the person God created you to be (ivpress.com)."
Book's premise (no spoiler): One of my goals for the year was to read a book on certain spiritual disciplines... specifically those I struggle with. This book is (as the title slightly suggests) and invitation to solitude and silence; that which our culture seems to fear. Blaise Pascal pointed out that the only reason prison is such a dreadful place is that "people so much love noise and stir... the pleasure of solitude is a thing incomprehensible." But he also points out that it is only in stillness and silence that we can truly be refreshed and restored.
What I liked about the book: I love Barton's use of the life of Elijah as an example of our need for solitude and silence. She also offers VERY practical tools we can use in our pursuit of silence.
What I didn't like about the book: It's just a little boring... that's all.
Random passage: "We don't always think of caring for the body as part of our spiritual practice, but the story of Elijah that many times this is where it all begins.(pg 14)."
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars!
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