Monday, August 30, 2010

Evidence of Knowing God

There is a great difference between knowing about God... and knowing God. We may know a great deal of theology, we may understand the Bible from cover to cover, we may be able to rattle of God's redemptive plan of salvation, or we may be able to stand toe-to-toe against even the greatest critics--it is possible to fill books with our knowledge about God and at the same time, know nothing of Him.

In Knowing God, J.I. Packer gives 4 evidences of knowing God:

  1. Those who know God have great energy for God. The heart of those who know God beats with a desire to see His name and cause known. Those who know God will feel compelled to stand for Him... even at the great cost of their reputation (or even LIFE). Those who know God will also have a great deal of energy for PRAYER.

    "... we can all pray about the ungodliness and apostasy which we see in everyday life all around us. If, however, there is in us little energy for such prayer... this is a sure sign that as yet we scarcely know God (Packer)."

  2. Those who know God have great thoughts of God. The heart of those who know God understands that there is no other above God. Even in the face of our "losses or crosses" we understand that our God is in complete control. When the world around us crumbles, those who know God do not tremble... the know and trust.

    "Is this how we think of God?... Does this tremendous sense of his holy majesty, his moral perfection and his gracious faithfulness keep us humble and dependent, awed and obedient...? By this test, too, we may measure how much, or how little, we know God

  3. Those who know God show great boldness for God. The heart of those who know God beats with a courage that the world doesn't understand. They are not reckless, but they take great risks. They know what they are doing. They count the cost and do what is Right... no matter what the cost.

    "They may find the determination of the right course to take agonizingly difficult, but once they are clear on it they embrace it boldly without hesitation (Packer)."

  4. Those who know God have great contentment in God. The heart of those who know God rests easy. They have a peace which the world (and sometimes even they themselves) cannot understand. They are secure in the truth that Jesus has made peace with them. They rest in the fact that there is "no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)."

    "There is no peace like the peace of those whose minds are possessed with the full assurance that they have known God, and God has known them, and this relationship guarantees God's favor to them in life, through death and on forever

Do we desire more that mere knowledge of God?

Do we desire to know Him? Then we must do 2 things: First, recognize that how much we actually lack knowledge of God. Ask (pray) Him to show your lack of knowledge to you. This keeps us humble and aware of our natural state. Second, seek the Savior. Jesus promises that as we seek Him, we will know God. The greatest single thing the followers of Christ can do is to seek Him through Prayer!