I'm not very intelligent. I'm not exceptionally wise. I'd be the first to say that I know precisely ZIP about politics. I certainly don't claim to be very aversed in all things theological. That said, I have a bone to pick with my brothers and sisters.
This election season has been called "the most important election in our nation's history." (Keep in mind that we said that about the last two too!) I'm not saying that it's not. What I am saying is that I believe many of us in the Church have once again gotten too tangled in things less important than we think. We've fixed a laser sight on the systems of this world instead of on Christ and His Kingdom (Colossians 3:1-4) ... and we've let it turn us into something entirely ungodly. I'll just quote a few of the hateful thing I heard this week.
"I don't understand how can a thinking Christian give their vote to a baby killer like Obama."
"I don't think you can be a Christ-follower and vote for a War Monger like McCain."
"It is a sin not to vote." - Show me!
"It boggles my mind how any Christian could support any Democrat..."
"If Jesus were alive today, he would certainly vote Republican." - Well, He IS alive... and as far as I know... He didn't vote.
"You voted for McCain? You must love war and killing." - LOVE WAR? What an evil thing to say about someone!!
"A vote for Obama is the same as a vote for Terrorism." - Equally evil!
and my personal favorite... "The Holy Spirit will not allow a person who is truly saved to vote for an ungodly man." - so a vote for the other guy is a sure sign that a person isn't saved?
Most of these are quotes from people I know to be professing believers.
These from the mouths of God's holy saints. Again, I do not want to belittle anyone for being passionate about their candidate. I don't think it's wrong to feel strongly about these things. But I will draw the line where we start making enemies out of those who oppose us. It baffles my heart that we (the Church) would make enemies of each other. It all but stifles my hope in the American church to hear someone openly doubt the salvation of another simply because they voted for the other guy. If anything, I would doubt the salvation of a heart capable of spewing so much hate. "Can fresh and bitter water flow from the same spring. No, bitter water cannot come from the same place as clean [James 3:8-12]."
The fact that a Liberal is sitting in the White House doesn't frighten me because Christ is still sitting on the Throne. The American President is not the hope of the world. Nor are the American people or American ideals, for that matter.
The Church of the the Lord Jesus Christ is the hope of the world.
Thank you Greg. This was very encouraging to me, and exactly what I needed to hear. I was telling Chris just yesterday how discouraging it was to work at a place where "Christian" is part of the title, and all I heard all day was bitterness and hatred, and my heart was broken. Thank you for having a heart like Jesus, and thank you for sharing that with me.
Greg, you are a war monger.....just kidding. I love you man! My sentiments exactly. Well done.
NICE. Well said.
Yes, I understand these points, and I agree to a degree...
Yet shouldn't "Christians" be represented in the election? Shouldn't "Christians" want to be involved in making a difference in society? Either way they pick, it seems like a good freedom to utilize.
I think everyone should analyze the conservative and liberal side of things to figure out what they think. Many Christians believe in both.
Yet, what if, God forbid, we had a president who would decide to eliminate the 1st amendment. It's an amendment, and if we take away the freedom of religion, then should Christians not vote?
Now, I know this election was not this way at all. Both of the two said they were Christian candidates. This does not apply for the election we just had, yet if it does, shouldn't the church start a movement to protect freedom of religion?
I think your post is unfair. We (the reader) do not know the context or conversation from which these quotes were taken. So how can we fairly decide if the people saying these things have hateful hearts?
because people have no right to judge each others hearts- only God has that right.
Thanks Gregory! i love you!
I'm not quite sure context is needed when one makes blanket statements like that. How much context do you need when a person says "A vote for Obama is a vote for Terrorism."? What would context tell you that the statement itself does not? I can't imagine a context where that means something positive.
I chose not to enter context (blogs, facebook messages, etc.) so as not to continue to perpetuate more hate.
I am wondering how many of these are direct quotes and if any of them are your interpretation of what was being said?
I do not think it is an issue or a sin to express one's political opinions, however, I can see how these exact statements have crossed the line.
Well said Greg.
If its not to harsh I would take this one step further, These statements aren't just someones opinions they are bold faced lies.
Some of these claims have some kind of idea attached. For example, at one point, Obama was connected somehow to a terrorist group, or so they said. I don't know though how much validity it had.
However, it is interesting to see the amount of experience Obama has. Yes, he is a respectable man. However, he does not have much time having been in office. So we will have to see what happens.
I still think Christians are better off voting. If you want to have a say in our country, VOTE.
For example, if you are a Christian against gay marriage, and it becomes legal, then you should have voted!! Every vote counts, and people have the right to vote.
Now, if gay marriage, or even homosexual behavior is wrong, that is a different topic. I just know that many Christians are against "gay marriage." (And others for that sake.)
Jesus seemed to love those people, even those who did wrongdoings. Homosexuals are severely dogged and put down upon in our country. I thought the church was supposed to be open and welcome even these kind s of people...
Thanks for your post Greg. I know this wasn't the main point of it, but I felt compelled to respond to the last comment on hear about same-sex marriage. I'll try to keep it short.
Scripture is clear that 1) human sexuality is to be enjoyed within the bonds of marriage and 2) marriage is between one man and one woman for life. Also, realize how important marriage and its symbolism is to God - throughout scripture he compares the relationship of Christ and the church to a marriage.
But we also know that we are all sinners in need of a savior. Read 1 Cor. 6:9-11 for a good applicable passage.
Now what does this mean? I think it means that we don't check non-believers at the door of church to make sure they are good enough to come in; but we ALSO don't check our sermons at the door to make sure we don't offend anyone by teaching God's Word. In other words, when God brings people into your life that struggle with homosexual behavior - 1st love them, minister to them, and share Christ with them. But in the process, don't compromise God's word or say that sin is no longer sin because of the cultural view of the times. It's the same as if an unsaved person comes to church who is living with their boyfriend or girlfriend... you don't say "come back when you've moved out" but you also don't say "God approves of this."
In regards to legislation, showing love to people does not mean we cannot actively promote that which is good for our society, and the maintenance of marriage as one man and one woman is good for society. There are so many resources that explain government's reason for regulating marriage at all so I won't get into that. There are also plenty of researches explaining the impact that same-sex marriage would have on religious freedom - it is actually quite shocking, and having worked for a Constitutional law firm for 5 years, I can tell you it is also quite true. A couple articles with more info: http://www.beliefnet.com/Love-Family/2000/03/Protecting-Marriage.aspx?p=2 and http://www.beliefnet.com/News/2003/05/A-Deviance-From-Gods-Norm.aspx.
Thanks for reading.
Mostly agreed. Though I would hope your god doesn't ask for blind ignorance about politics either. I said mostly agreed. Up until the moment you mentioned doubting the "salvation" of your friends who made those comments. Isn't that equally judgmental? Except yours has a bible verse behind it? Just wondering where you draw the line?
Dear most recent 'Anonymous.'
My God does not ask for blind ignorance about anything. I believe He desires for us all to be actively engaged in our communities.
Anonymous asked...
"...you mentioned doubting the 'salvation' of your friends who made those comments. Isn't that equally judgmental?"
Yes, that is judgmental and that is not my intent. I apologize for not making it clearer.
My point was/ is this. As followers of Christ, we are called to two great commandments, Love God and Love People. In fact, Jesus said that all other commands hinge on these two (see Matthew 22:37-40).
I was attempting to use hyperbole to remind my Brothers and Sisters that those two commands are more important that fighting over 'our candidate.'
Again, I'm sorry if I came across as judgmental... that was not my intent. Thank you for the reminder (I so rarely choose my words wisely).
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