Wednesday, December 31, 2008

An experiment

Hello World (and by 'world,' I mean 'the 5 people who read this blog'). This post is simply to inform you of an experiment I'm trying. If you know me, you may have noted that I'm a bit of a chubber. If you don't know me, check the pics.

I've decided to do something about it. I'm embarking on a journey of Fitness and Nutrition... and I'm cataloging it all for the World to see (again, I'm hoping those 5 people will now read my other blog too). I guess I feel that I'll be more motivated to be more disciplined if I know someone is checking in on me.

If you subscribe to this blog, then subscribe to my other one. If you don't subscribe to this one... WHY NOT?? Subscribe to both already!!

Please visit!


Matthew said...

sounds like you're up against a challenge man, but if i learned anything last summer its that you don't give up without a fight. i know you can do this. i'm excited to see what you do with this challenge

Anonymous said...

Where are the pictures?!?!? I want to see the chub!

Love you!