For instance, my wife LOVES to golf. And she's good too! Her folks tell me that she has "a beautiful swing."
Well since I married a golfer... and since I work at a church where most of the staff are also golfers... I should become a golfer.
Learn to Golf
Learn to Golf
Turns out, I'm bad at golf.
No... REALLY bad.
I'm "a danger to other golfers" bad.
Raise your hand if you're surprised. No one? Didn't think so.
For Christmas (of '08), Shannon's dad bought me a really nice set of clubs. AND he got us golfing lessons with a pro at the golf course he works at.
6 lesson's later... I'm still bad. I shot an 86 the first time out.
On 9.

No... REALLY bad.
I'm "a danger to other golfers" bad.
Raise your hand if you're surprised. No one? Didn't think so.
For Christmas (of '08), Shannon's dad bought me a really nice set of clubs. AND he got us golfing lessons with a pro at the golf course he works at.
6 lesson's later... I'm still bad. I shot an 86 the first time out.
On 9.
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