# 5
Be a part of the solution in Africa
Be a part of the solution in Africa
I know, I know... "Africa" is such a trendy cause. And there are SO many problems for which to be a solution. War. Poverty. AIDS. Malaria. Thirst. Hunger. Where to start? How do I make a lasting impact. How do I do more than put the proverbial band-aid on a broken leg?
I decided that the best thing I can do is bring others along with me on the journey. To share the burden that is in my heart and hope that it catches on. I am in such a privileged position to be able to influence high school students at Sun Valley. One of my favorite parts of my job is the Student Leadership Team. Last May, we started dreaming about how we could help meet some of the basic needs for our neighbors in Africa.
Long story short... we stumbled across an organization called Charity:Water. Among other things, Charity:Water exists primarily to bring fresh water (by digging wells) to some of the poorest communities on the planet. The cost to dig a well? Just $5,000.
For $5,000, they will dig a well that will provide hundreds of people with clean, safe drinking water. Enough to meet all of their cooking, cleaning and drinking needs. Since the beginning of the school year, our students have been hosting fund-raisers, putting on benefit concerts, and giving sacrificially so that they can answer God's calling on their lives to not merely be people of "good intentions," but people who really reach out in love.
So far, they have raised $4,287! Just about $700 shy of our goal of $5,000 by the end of the school year.
I know they will reach their goal.
For more information, please visit CharityWater.org. Or to help the students reach their goal, get in touch with me (Greg) via the Sun Valley Community Church website.
I decided that the best thing I can do is bring others along with me on the journey. To share the burden that is in my heart and hope that it catches on. I am in such a privileged position to be able to influence high school students at Sun Valley. One of my favorite parts of my job is the Student Leadership Team. Last May, we started dreaming about how we could help meet some of the basic needs for our neighbors in Africa.

For $5,000, they will dig a well that will provide hundreds of people with clean, safe drinking water. Enough to meet all of their cooking, cleaning and drinking needs. Since the beginning of the school year, our students have been hosting fund-raisers, putting on benefit concerts, and giving sacrificially so that they can answer God's calling on their lives to not merely be people of "good intentions," but people who really reach out in love.
So far, they have raised $4,287! Just about $700 shy of our goal of $5,000 by the end of the school year.
I know they will reach their goal.
For more information, please visit CharityWater.org. Or to help the students reach their goal, get in touch with me (Greg) via the Sun Valley Community Church website.
That's awesome greg! Sydney Drain (one of the student leaders on the LT trip to Honduras a few years ago) started something similar. We worked with an organization called water is basic and they were able to build wells for $1,000 each! God went way beyond our goals, dream big! they're such a great organization.
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